To all international students interested in Japanese culture 

Knowing Japanese history and culture is very important for foreign exchange students who wish to use what they have learned in Japan when seeking jobs with Japanese companies and becoming an active member of the Japanese society after graduation.
This program can help you by teaching the highlights of Japanese history and culture through lectures and providing opportunities to experience traditional culture up-close. Moreover, you will have a chance to walk around Kishiwada, a town known for its Danjiri Festival, in the company of local high school students. By experiencing the same things, both the foreign exchange students and local high school students can discover the differences in their cultural values which will lead to a deeper understanding of one another.

Date:September 23(Mon.)2024 /Preliminary lectures are given on demand.
The meeting point:Nankai Railway 「Namba station」8:45
         or 「Kishiwada station」9:30

 Preliminary lectures: Sep. 17, (Tue.) to Sep.20, (Fri.) The preliminary presentation  
 (Participants will be issued an URL after registration)
*Sep. 23 (Mon.), 2024
10:00 Danjiri Museum
10:00-10:15 Welcome message and orientation
10:15–14:30 Guided walking tour of Kishiwada
   (Kishiwada Castle, Danjiri Museum, etc.). (Break for lunch halfway through)
14:30–16:30 Workshop
  * Exchange students and local high school students will discuss the “Attraction of   
   Kishiwada” through the things they learned or experienced on the tour and present    the results of such discussion.
※In principle, this program will be conducted in Japanese. Follow-up in English will be provided as needed. 

※IMPORTANT To prevent the spread of COVID-19, participants are responsible for managing their own health. 

Eligibility: International students enrolled in university in Japan(University student, Graduate student, Professhonal school student)(program is primarily conducted in Japanese with English assistance)
Participants: 15 people (first-come, first-serve basis)
Things to bring: Digital camera or smart phone, pen and paper
To apply: Send your name, academic year (freshman, sophomore, etc.),school name
     and contact information (email address, fax or telephone number) ,
     Your preferred meeting place (Namba or Kishiwada Station)by fax or email.
Deadline for application: September 10 (Tue. )
Send application to this address: 2-2-2 Nakanoshima, Kita-ku, Osaka city, 530-0005
Osaka Nakanoshima Building 7F
Attn: RekishiKaido Promotional Council, “Japanese Cultural Experience P”