日本文化体感プログラム オリジナルテキスト
歴史街道の紹介 What is Rekishikaido?
千年以上、日本の首都があった関西には国宝の約6割が集積している。 歴史の現場を実際に訪問することにより、日本の文化を体感してもらうことを大切にしている。
Rekishikaido Council values real experience to look with your own eyes and feel with your own heart the art, cluture and tangible history by visiting actual sites. -
日本の復興 Revival and Restration of Japan
In our long history, Japan is often experience big crisis.
Japan has own historiy and inherent culture that Jpanese people should take pride in.
We should build up our new country based on them. -
日本化 Japanization:How Japan imported foreign cultures and developed its own?
日本化 Japanization:How Japan imported foreign cultures and developed its own?
日本化 Japanization:How Japan imported foreign cultures and developed its own?
Since ancient times, the Japanese people have learned to accept new things from foreign country.
Japanese adopted foreign cultures, integrated them with Japanese own culture, and developed their unique culture. -
日本らしさ Japaneseness:What the charactristics of Japanese culture?
"Harmoney is the greatest of virtures."(The first Constitution in Japan)
Many Japanese customs are based on a combination of Buddhism and Shinto beliefs. -
日本らしさ Japaneseness:What the charactristics of Japanese culture?
Punctuality is very important in Japanese society.
In our martial art, we do not forget manners, respect. That is called "Do". -
日本らしさ Japaneseness:What the charactristics of Japanese culture?
We see the cultural differences between Japan and Western countries on several Themes.
Japanese culture is simple. The physical shapes and natural materials are used as they are.
Western culture is luxurious. Process natural materials and create artificial new beauty. -
日本の技術 Japanese Tecnology and Culture
Advantage of our technology is culture and craftmanship.
Our traditional inheritance is still utilized in our cutting edge tecnology.