Introduced here are ten single-day gWorld Heritage and Historic Byway Study Toursh within a wide radius of the Kansai that visitors from Japan and abroad can select, enjoy and report to friends about after returning home. There are numerous historical and cultural resources to see and the passions of the surrounding areas that have handed them down over the ages to experience. We want to show you what makes these areas so interesting via a variety of themes like gancient adventuresh, gexquisite architectural beautyh and gtraditional industriesh. This new form of travel is being proposed by Rekishi-kaido
The area south of Osaka has some of the largest tumuli in the world.
This course is for anyone with the slightest interest in burial mounds as it takes you to the 5th century Nintokuryo-kofun Tumulus and other tumuli.
Sakai, which has thrived as a trading port from the middle ages to modern times, has many remnants of yesteryear such as Nanshu-ji Temple associated with Senno Rikyu, the founder of the Japanese art of teach ceremony, as well as many homes of gunsmiths that fed the war effort during Japanfs years of civil war.
This course takes you to the key sites of Sakai that highlight the cityfs past and present. |
Sakai city Musemu EEE
¥¥Nintoku Ryo Tumulus¥¥E
Sakai City Hall (21st Floor Observation Deck)==
Aguchi Shrine==
¥¥Sakai HAMONO Museum (Sakai Traditional Edge Tools Industry Hall)
¥¥Myokokuji Temple
¥¥Old Gunsmith's House (Not open to the general public.)
¥¥Nankai Shitido station |
Recommended itinerary |