Introduced here are ten single-day gWorld Heritage and Historic Byway Study
Toursh within a wide radius of the Kansai that visitors from Japan and
abroad can select, enjoy and report to friends about after returning home.
There are numerous historical and cultural resources to see and the passions
of the surrounding areas that have handed them down over the ages to experience.
We want to show you what makes these areas so interesting via a variety
of themes like gancient adventuresh, gexquisite architectural beautyh and
gtraditional industriesh. This new form of travel is being proposed by
This course takes you to Hieizan Enryaku-ji Temple and the town of Sakamoto that lies at the base of the mountain.
Enryaku-ji Temple was developed as a monastery in the Heian Period. It
sits halfway up Mt. Hiei facing towards the northeast, believed to be the
direction from which demons would attack the ancient capital of Kyoto.
The monastery is divided into three zones, centered each on the Too, Saito
and the Yokawa.
Sakamoto, from its location below the entrance to Mt. Hiei, is where are
found retreats and abbeys for the monks. Here and there in the town remain
today beautiful stonewalls known as anousyuzumi.@ |
Kyoto station@Mt.Hie (Enryakuji Temple)
Toto areaFKonpon-tyudo templeEEEDaikodo Amidado temple
FJodo-inENinai-doESyaka-do temple@
LunchiMinemiti Restaurant)
Yokawa areaFYokawa-tyudoEGansan-taishido temple@
@Sakamoto area
Shogenji teple - Kyutikurin-in @Kyoto station
@ |
Recommended itinerary |